Windows Hosting

Windows Server is an operating system developed and distributed by Microsoft. The name Windows Server 2000 and its most recent version, 2003 is in fact the commercial name for Windows NT, version 5.0. Windows Server integrates a server of applications that simplify application development and maintenance so that it acts on core applications or Web services. It can be also be used by Internet service providers and organizations that opt to host on their own Web servers.

Windows is easy to deploy and manage. It provides a platform dedicated to the development and rapid deployment of Web services and applications that use Microsoft's ASP.NET technology, an essential part of the .NET structure. Windows Server provides a solid basis for the development of a computing environment that is complete, integrated and flexible and which gives a full return on clients' investments, today and in the future.

The vision of Microsoft .NET rests on Web services. This enables developers to create the next generation of applications. Since they are in charge of the main implementation, these new applications enable applications and systems to communicate with one another. As the leader in these industry-wide transformations, the Microsoft .NET platform is the most complete and powerful for creating, launching, managing and using Web services.

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Visit our packages page

Our packages are established based on the use you intend for your web site. Disk space, monthly bandwidth use, the number of mailboxes and the backend technologies used are the main factors in the determination of our competitively priced packages. Hosting of a simple web site costs as little as 5$ a month.