ColdFusion Hosting

ColdFusion is a language based on tags similar to HTML and other languages used in the same domain, such as ASP, JSP or even PHP. An easy-to-use language right from the start, ColdFusion enables developers to quickly carry out simple operations such as integrating with a database and dynamically posting information to Web pages. For example, ColdFusion fluently integrates with a database's abstraction layer. The code is therefore not bound to any specific database. To create the same result in PHP requires the creation of particular classes dedicated to this purpose or the integration of an existing abstraction layer.

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Visit our packages page

Our packages are established based on the use you intend for your web site. Disk space, monthly bandwidth use, the number of mailboxes and the backend technologies used are the main factors in the determination of our competitively priced packages. Hosting of a simple web site costs as little as 5$ a month.